Icmab Address and Contact Number
Icmab Contact Phone Number is : 88-02-9615460, 9611799
and Address is ICMA Bangladesh, ICMA Bhaban, Nilkhet, Dhaka-1205, BangladeshThe Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (I.C.M.A.B.) is a prestigious Institute offers professional qualification in Cost and Management Accountancy, with a focus on Accounting for Business. This Institute was established in 1951 to provide professional courses to the Students.
The president of this Institute is Momtaz Uddin Ahmed.
This Institute has a strength of over 13000 Students and has its headquarters in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Institute is affiliated to InterNational Federation of Accountants and InterNational Accounting Standards Board. This is the only institution in the Country dedicated to Cost and Management Accounting Education and Research. The address and contact number of Icmab is also used for Icmab Result, Icmab admission, Icmab exam, Icmab question, Icmab admission circular, Icmab syllebus and Icmab member list. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Icmab is mentioned in below section.
Address of Icmab
The address of Icmab is ICMA Bangladesh, ICMA Bhaban, Nilkhet, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh.Contact Number of Icmab
The contact number of Icmab is 88-02-9615460, 9611799.Email Address of Icmab
The email address of Icmab is icmab@icmab.org.bd.Website of Icmab
The Website of Icmab is www.icmab.org.bd.Contact Person of Icmab
The contact person of Icmab is A.K.M. Nazrul Islam.Email this information
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