Hp Pavilion San Jose Address and Contact Number

Hp Pavilion San Jose Contact Phone Number is : +1 (408) 287-9200

and Address is 525 W Santa Clara St San Jose, California 95113, United States
HP Pavilion San Jose is a multipurpose indoor arena based in San Jose, California. It was previously known with the name of Compaq Center at San Jose. The arena is used for many sporting events like basketball and hockey and ICE hockey held within the region. The arena is also used as an entertainment and concert hall for many big concerts. It was opened on September 7, 1993 at a whopping cost of $162.5 million at that time. The arena was designed by the Famous architects namely Sink Combs Dethlefs, Prodis Associates. The arena had hosted many Famous tie ups within various teams in the past. The address and contact number of Hp Pavilion San Jose is also used for Hp Pavilion San Jose job opportunities, Hp Pavilion San Jose seating, Hp Pavilion San Jose parking, Hp Pavilion San Jose Hotels, Hp Pavilion San Jose seating chart rows, Hp Pavilion San Jose schedule, Hp Pavilion San Josee upcoming events and Hp Pavilion San Jose concerts. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Hp Pavilion San Jose is mentioned in below section.

Address of Hp Pavilion San Jose

The address of Hp Pavilion San Jose is 525 W Santa Clara St San Jose, California 95113, United States.

Contact Number of Hp Pavilion San Jose

The contact number of Hp Pavilion San Jose is +1 (408) 287-9200.

Email Address of Hp Pavilion San Jose

The email address of Hp Pavilion San Jose is .

Website of Hp Pavilion San Jose

The Website of Hp Pavilion San Jose is www.sapcenteratsanjose.com.

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Hp Pavilion San Jose Address Contact Number
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