Himalaya Healthcare Address and Contact Number
Himalaya Healthcare Contact Phone Number is : +91-80 2371 4444
and Address is Makali, Bangalore, Karnataka, IndiaHimalaya healthcare is a situated at Bangalore, Karnataka, India. The Company was established by M. Manal in the year of 1930. It provide wide range of healthcare products that include brands such as Liv.52, Cystone, Bonnisan and pharmaceutical, personal care, baby care, nutrition and ayurvedic products. The Company is currently serving in 90 countries of the world. The address and contact number of Himalaya healthcare is also used for Himalaya healthcare online, Himalaya healthcare corporate offICE, Himalaya herbal healthcare, Himalaya healthcare jobs and Himalaya healthcare careers. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Himalaya Healthcare is mentioned in below section.
Address of Himalaya Healthcare
The address of Himalaya Healthcare is Makali, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.Contact Number of Himalaya Healthcare
The contact number of Himalaya Healthcare is +91-80 2371 4444.Email Address of Himalaya Healthcare
The email address of Himalaya Healthcare is customer.service@himalayahealthcare.com.Website of Himalaya Healthcare
The Website of Himalaya Healthcare is www.himalayahealthcare.com.Email this information
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