Grameen Shakti Address and Contact Number

Grameen Shakti Contact Phone Number is : 9004081, 9004314 Fax: 880-2- 8035345

and Address is Grameen Shakti, Grameen Bank Bhaban, Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216 Bangladesh
Grameen Shakti is a public Company started by the Grameen Family of organizations. Grameen Shakti means Grameen Energy developed to promote and popularize renewable energy technologies in remote, rural areas of Bangladesh. It works on the footsteps of Grameen Bank to work in the conditions of severe shortage of resources and remove poverty from the nation. The Company is the fast growing solar sector Company in the world and felicitated with several awards such as Right Livelihood Award and two Ashden Awards. The address and contact number of Grameen Shakti is also used for Grameen Shakti Solar Panels PrICE, Grameen Shakti Case Study, Grameen Shakti Jobs, Grameen Shakti Business Model, Grameen Shakti Biogas and Grameen Shakti Internship. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Grameen Shakti is mentioned in below section.

Address of Grameen Shakti

The address of Grameen Shakti is Grameen Shakti, Grameen Bank Bhaban, Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216 Bangladesh.

Contact Number of Grameen Shakti

The contact number of Grameen Shakti is 9004081, 9004314 Fax: 880-2- 8035345.

Email Address of Grameen Shakti

The email address of Grameen Shakti is,

Website of Grameen Shakti

The Website of Grameen Shakti is

Grameen Shakti Source of Knowledge
Grameen Shakti Address Contact Number
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