Gordon Korman Address and Contact Number
Gordon Korman Contact Phone Number is : NA
and Address is c/o Scholastic Inc, 555 Broadway New York NY 10012, USAGordon Korman is a well known author/writer. He is also known as Canadian American author. He was born on October 23, 1963. He mainly writes novels for Children and young adults. He wrote his first book 'This Can't be Happening at Macdonald Hall' at the age of twelve. He is living in Long Island, outside of New York City with his wife and three Children. Gordon Korman wrote many books namely I Want to Go Home, No Coins, Please, Son of Interflux, Radio 5th Grade, The Twinkie Squad, Why Did the Underwear Cross the Road, Liar, Liar Pants on Fire, No More Dead Dogs, Ungifted, The Juvie Three, Son of the Mob: Hollywood Hustle etc. The address and contact number of Gordon Korman is also used for Gordon Korman Everest, Gordon Korman Biography, Gordon Korman Schooled, Gordon Korman Macdonald Hall, Gordon Korman Tuebl and Gordon Korman On The Run. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Gordon Korman is mentioned in below section.
Address of Gordon Korman
The address of Gordon Korman is c/o Scholastic Inc, 555 Broadway New York NY 10012, USA.Contact Number of Gordon Korman
The contact number of Gordon Korman is NA.Email Address of Gordon Korman
The email address of Gordon Korman is info@gordonkorman.com.Website of Gordon Korman
The Website of Gordon Korman is www.gordonkorman.com.Contact Person of Gordon Korman
The contact person of Gordon Korman is Gordon Korman.Email this information
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