Feati University Address and Contact Number

Feati University Contact Phone Number is : +63-2-733-8321

and Address is Helios Street, Station Cruz, Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
Far East Air Transport Incorporated (FEATI) University is a private co-Educational higher Education institution situated in Manila, Philippines. It is also known as the Far Eastern Aeronautics School and Seahawks. The FEATI University was opened in the year of 1946. Dr Ing Adolfo Jesus R Gopez is present president of the University. The University provides various undergraduate and postgraduate courses regarding Teaching, arts, Educational Administration, Science in Management Engineering, Maritime Education and architecture. The address and contact number of Feati University is also used for Feati University tuition fee, Feati University courses offered, Feati University courses, Feati University registrar and Feati University application form. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Feati University is mentioned in below section.

Address of Feati University

The address of Feati University is Helios Street, Station Cruz, Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines.

Contact Number of Feati University

The contact number of Feati University is +63-2-733-8321.

Email Address of Feati University

The email address of Feati University is info@featiu.edu.ph.

Website of Feati University

The Website of Feati University is www.featiu.edu.ph.

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Feati University Address Contact Number
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