Fairfax High School Address and Contact Number
Fairfax High School Contact Phone Number is : 7032192200
and Address is 3501 Rebel Run, Fairfax, Virginia 22030, United StatesFairfax High School is located in Virginia, United States. It was founded in the year 1936 for providing the Education knowledge for the Children's of Virginia. David Goldfarb is the current elected principal of the School. The School recent updates and News are published in the special Newspaper titled 'The Rebel Roar'. The School provide Education from grade 9 to grade 12. The School has more than 2,600 Students and well trained teachers. The School has branches in multiple locations in the United States. The address and contact number of Fairfax High School is also used for Fairfax High School graduation, Fairfax High School profile, Fairfax High School teachers, Fairfax High School staff, Fairfax High School lunch schedule, Fairfax High School class and Fairfax High School Football.
Fax No: 7032192297 The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Fairfax High School is mentioned in below section.
Address of Fairfax High School
The address of Fairfax High School is 3501 Rebel Run, Fairfax, Virginia 22030, United States.Contact Number of Fairfax High School
The contact number of Fairfax High School is 7032192200.Email Address of Fairfax High School
The email address of Fairfax High School is kmsearch@fcps.edu.Website of Fairfax High School
The Website of Fairfax High School is www.fcps.edu.Email this information
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