Fabiano Hall Address and Contact Number

Fabiano Hall Contact Phone Number is : 989-774-4000

and Address is 300 E. Ojibway Ct, Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48858-3853, United States
Fabiano Hall is a residence hall of the Central Michigan University situated in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, United States. The hall was founded in August 31, 2005. Fabiano Hall has approximately 250 CMU Students and has five floors. The hall provides various facilities like classroom space, a fitness center, a convenience store, Study lounges, Junction Snack Bar, laundry rooms and a Student Success Center. Fabiano Hall is owned by Central Michigan University which offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The address and contact number of Fabiano Hall is also used for Fabiano Hall of fame, Herrig hall, Woldt hall and Celani hall. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Fabiano Hall is mentioned in below section.

Address of Fabiano Hall

The address of Fabiano Hall is 300 E. Ojibway Ct, Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48858-3853, United States.

Contact Number of Fabiano Hall

The contact number of Fabiano Hall is 989-774-4000.

Email Address of Fabiano Hall

The email address of Fabiano Hall is .

Website of Fabiano Hall

The Website of Fabiano Hall is www.cmich.edu.

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Fabiano Hall Address Contact Number
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