Exide Industries Address and Contact Number

Exide Industries Contact Phone Number is : 033-22832120, 22832133, 22832136

and Address is Exide House, 59E Chowringhee Road Kolkata-700020, India
Exide Industries is a public manufacturing Company of storage battery that was established in 1947. The headquarter of the Exide Industries is situated on Chowringhee Road, Kolkata, India. R G Kapadia is currently chairman of the Exide Industries. The Company also manufacturers and exports the automotive lead-aCID batteries. The Company has six factories which are located in Maharashtra, West Bengal, Hosur, Tamil Nadu and Haryana. The Company manufactures the wide range of storage batteries in the world. The address and contact number of Exide Industries is also used for Exide industries career, Exide industries Insurance Business, Exide industries Taloja, Exide industries Results, Exide industries News, Exide industries ltd shyamnagar, jobs Exide industries Ltd and Exide industries ltd taloja contact details. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Exide Industries is mentioned in below section.

Address of Exide Industries

The address of Exide Industries is Exide House, 59E Chowringhee Road Kolkata-700020, India.

Contact Number of Exide Industries

The contact number of Exide Industries is 033-22832120, 22832133, 22832136.

Email Address of Exide Industries

The email address of Exide Industries is .

Website of Exide Industries

The Website of Exide Industries is www.exideindustries.com.

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Exide Industries Address Contact Number
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