Eva Duldig Address and Contact Number
Eva Duldig Contact Phone Number is : +61 3145 921938
and Address is 92 Burke Road, East Malvern, Malvern East VIC 3145, AustraliaEva Ruth de Jong-Duldig is an Austrian-born Australian and Dutch former tennis player, and current author. From the ages of two to four, she was detained by Australia in an isolated internment camp, as an enemy alien. She later competed in tennis, representing Australia at the Wimbledon Championships in 1961. In 1956 she won the Victorian Schoolgirls Championship. In the 1957 Maccabiah Games, Duldig won gold medals in singles and doubles. In the 1961 Maccabiah Games, she again won a gold medal in singles, this time defeating South African Marlene Gerson in the final, and won a silver medal in women's doubles. is an Austrian-born Australian and Dutch former tennis player, and current author. Duldig became a tennis player in Australia. In 1956 she won the Victorian Schoolgirls Championship. In the 1957 Maccabiah Games, Duldig won gold medals in singles and doubles. After her tennis career, she worked as a recreation consultant, an author, and a designer of playgrounds. She founded the Duldig Studio in 2002 in East Malvern. It is run as a non-profit public museum and art gallery from their former house. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Eva Duldig is mentioned in below section.
Address of Eva Duldig
The address of Eva Duldig is 92 Burke Road, East Malvern, Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia.Contact Number of Eva Duldig
The contact number of Eva Duldig is +61 3145 921938.Email Address of Eva Duldig
The email address of Eva Duldig is enquiries@duldig.org.au.Website of Eva Duldig
The Website of Eva Duldig is www.duldig.org.au.Contact Person of Eva Duldig
The contact person of Eva Duldig is Eva Duldig.Email this information
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