Empire State Plaza Albany Ny Address and Contact Number

Empire State Plaza Albany Ny Contact Phone Number is : (518) 474-2418

and Address is Madison Avenue, Albany, NY 12210, New York, United States
The Empire State Plaza is a complicated of several departments is located in Madison Avenue, Albany, New York, United States. The Construction was started in 1959 and Completed in 1976. It is also known as The Governor Nelson A Rockefeller Empire State Plaza. Wallace Harrison is the architect of the building. It is owned by State of New York. It has 44 story building. The height of the building is 589 feet and 180 meter. The building has the cost of $1.7 billion. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Empire State Plaza Albany Ny is mentioned in below section.

Address of Empire State Plaza Albany Ny

The address of Empire State Plaza Albany Ny is Madison Avenue, Albany, NY 12210, New York, United States.

Contact Number of Empire State Plaza Albany Ny

The contact number of Empire State Plaza Albany Ny is (518) 474-2418.

Email Address of Empire State Plaza Albany Ny

The email address of Empire State Plaza Albany Ny is .

Website of Empire State Plaza Albany Ny

The Website of Empire State Plaza Albany Ny is .

Empire State Plaza Albany Ny Address Contact Number
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