Edith Masai Address and Contact Number

Edith Masai Contact Phone Number is : +254 331794964

and Address is Cianda House, 3rd floor, Suite 11 Koinange St, Nairobi, Kenya
Edith Chewanjel Masai is a Kenyan former long-distance runner who specialised in cross country and track races, then road races in her late career. She represented Kenya at the 2004 Summer Olympics. Masai has gone on to win three World Cross Country 4km gold medals - in Dublin (2002), Lausanne (2003) and Brussels (2004) to go with the bronze medal she won in 2001 in Ostend. She represented Kenya at the 2004 Summer Olympics. Her best achievements are three individual gold medals in the short race at the IAAF World Cross Country Championships between 2002 and 2004. She is also known for reaching global top at the age of 35. Masai owns a five-acre stretch of land in Kenya's maize basket of Kitale, where she farms maize and wheat and raises a few cattle. She also has a house in Ngong, a town a few kilometres outside Nairobi where many athletes, including the marathon world record-holder, Paul Tergat, live. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Edith Masai is mentioned in below section.

Address of Edith Masai

The address of Edith Masai is Cianda House, 3rd floor, Suite 11 Koinange St, Nairobi, Kenya.

Contact Number of Edith Masai

The contact number of Edith Masai is +254 331794964.

Email Address of Edith Masai

The email address of Edith Masai is edithmasai@runnerspace.com.

Website of Edith Masai

The Website of Edith Masai is www.runnerspace.com.

Contact Person of Edith Masai

The contact person of Edith Masai is Edith Masai.

Edith Masai Source of Knowledge

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