Eden College Address and Contact Number

Eden College Contact Phone Number is : +353 (01) 531 1160

and Address is Eden College, 7 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
Eden College is a private College located in Dublin city of Ireland. This College was established in 2007. Chris Marcellin is the principal of the College. Eden College Campus is furnished with urban facilities. This College consists of a pre-primary School, a preparatory School, a middle School and a College. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Eden College is mentioned in below section.

Address of Eden College

The address of Eden College is Eden College, 7 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland.

Contact Number of Eden College

The contact number of Eden College is +353 (01) 531 1160.

Email Address of Eden College

The email address of Eden College is info@edencollege.ie.

Website of Eden College

The Website of Eden College is www.edencollege.ie.

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Eden College Address Contact Number
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