Ecmc Address and Contact Number
Ecmc Contact Phone Number is : 874-5536
and Address is No 462, Grider Street, Buffalo, New York, United StatesErie County medical Center is the Hospital that was founded in 1912. It has 550 beds and is the multi specialty Hospital which is located near East side of Buffalo. It is member of the Great Lakes health System and is affiliated with the University at Buffalo. It is designated center for trauma and HIV/AIDS treatment. It has over 40 outpatient specialty care clinics across Western New York. Erie County medical Center is the major medical center for the treatment of trauma, burn, rehabilitation and cardiac care, and also serves as teaching facility for the University at Buffalo. The address and contact number of Ecmc is also used for Ecmc gold, Ecmc penipuan, Ecmc Carigold, Ecmc Penipu, Ecmc holding and Ecmc Baya. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ecmc is mentioned in below section.
Address of Ecmc
The address of Ecmc is No 462, Grider Street, Buffalo, New York, United States.Contact Number of Ecmc
The contact number of Ecmc is 874-5536.Email Address of Ecmc
The email address of Ecmc is .Website of Ecmc
The Website of Ecmc is this information
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