and Address is P.O. Box 93661, Nelson Park RPO, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Eckhart Tolle is the author of best selling books like Power of Now and A New Earth. He promotes spirituality through his books and ideas. He is a German born Canadian citizen who took birth in 1948 in the Ruhr Valley, Germany. He was at the stage of suiCIDal depression when he was 29 years old though later on he experienced "spiritual bliss". His works are deeply inspired from Zen Buddhism, Sufism, Hinduism and the Bible. He was rated as the most popular spiritual author in US by New York Times in 2008. The address and contact number of Eckhart Tolle is also used for email address Eckhart Tolle, Eckhart Tolle consciousness, Eckhart Tolle the power of now, Eckhart Tolle quotes and Eckhart Tolle a new earth. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Eckhart Tolle is mentioned in below section.
Address of Eckhart Tolle
The address of Eckhart Tolle is P.O. Box 93661, Nelson Park RPO, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Echard tolle learn, is the answer to life. Who you and I are. Our soul and our body. Through the power of the moment., Comes the balance, in the good love, the healing. When one has moved beyond the mind and ego, and feels the power of the moment. Is it like a bambi who has to keep his balance and learn to walk, just like a small child who has to get up on his feet. You feel it. Clearly. It's beautiful when it happens. With honor and
Ms. teresa olofsonJan 08, 2022
his presence and tone of voice simply calm me down
his humor is always
a lift
his interest in helping
Mr. Clarence BeechamDec 08, 2018
Your book the power of now has put life into perspective for me. It has made me see things the way they are meant to be seen. Accept it and then act. Make it your ally and not your enemy. Thanks a ton Eckhart.
Ms. MARTIN francianeMay 26, 2016
Cher Monsieur Eckhart Tolle,
Veuillez m'excuser mais Je ne parle pas un mot d'Anglais. Je dois Vs dire que J'ai bcp progresser sur le chemin spirituel qui est le mien, et Vs m'avez bcp aidé. Seulement Je ne parviens pas à me "libérer" totalement, suite à une relation uniquement passionnelle qui a durée 12 ans (j'allais voir pour le simple fait de voir un être, ne fut-ce que 5mn ds son bureau médical ; Médecin de profession) J'ai bcp souffert ; Je me mettais comme une petite fille sur ls genoux de son père (que J'ai perdu à l'age de nine an)et J'avais identifier cet Etre à Lui. Je souhaitai qu'Il me sorte de ce bureau pour devenir femme. N'accédant pas à ma requête, Je lui ai dit qu'il n'y avait aucune porte, que celles ci étaient pourries et que Je partais en qualité d'aide soignante, pour de l'humanitaire. Alors cet Etre tant aimé à commis un acte que Je n'ai pas totalement désiré (J'ai le sentiment d'avoir été le témoin de mon propre viol).
Mr. NIRMAL LODHAMay 24, 2016
Mr. Eckhart Tolle has presented to the world the importance of Present and this piece of teaching is in itself highly potent and change the life of someone from the basic core. I have never come across any book which is more practical and relevant to human life than THE POWER OF NOW. In this book he has so clearly and comprehensively explained the importance of dwell in the Present and the power of Now is the real power which any human can possess. We can think effectively only when we are in the Present moment. His book has been phenomenal and has changed the lives of millions of people around the world. The entire humanity will remain grateful to him for his immense contribution in bringing a dramatic change in the life of the people.
Ms. Dorly ViollierMay 21, 2016
I have been reading your2books on and on and they have opened for me new visions of life. But I am very challenged right now in my life. My beloved husband of 46 years has Alzheimer's and it's getting harder by the day. I would so much like to e mail Eckhart a few questions and hope to get some encouraging answers from him. With many thanks
Dorlyv@webafrica. Org. Za.
Ms. Lia van ZundertFeb 28, 2016
Dear Eckhart,
Hoe are you? I find your book quite appropriate. My english is very bad, but hope you can read it. I come form Holland. I have a question that I have is last for years. I try your therapy, or thinking to apply now. But I've been all my life depressed and am now desperate, and know no way out. I've tried everything. Nothing has helped me, Now they're going to try electroshock. I'am 65 years old And do not know what life are. Your life history and life buoys me enormously,, but here I do not feel better me, if I these simple actions applicable. What can I do to heal? Do you have an idea? I really do not know anymore. I've read all your books, and they are very good to use, but it does not help me. I know that you have the panacea, but it does not work. This is an emergency mail, because I do not go on living. I wish you very fine years of happiness. I hope for a positive message, thank you. Greetings Lia.