Dr Vishakha Shivdasani Address and Contact Number
Dr Vishakha Shivdasani Contact Phone Number is : +91 22 2216 4000
and Address is 86, Ground Floor, Maker Tower, Chamundeshwari Nagar, Colaba, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai, 400005Dr. Vishakha Shivdasani is a General Physician based in Mumbai, specifically in the Cuffe Parade area. She has over 15 years of experience and practices at her clinic located at 86, Ground Floor, Maker Tower, Chamundeshwari Nagar, Colaba. Dr. Shivdasani is known for her friendly and patient-centric approach, and she offers a range of services including treatment for acne, weight loss, headaches, fever, and hair fall. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dr Vishakha Shivdasani is mentioned in below section.
Address of Dr Vishakha Shivdasani
The address of Dr Vishakha Shivdasani is 86, Ground Floor, Maker Tower, Chamundeshwari Nagar, Colaba, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai, 400005.Contact Number of Dr Vishakha Shivdasani
The contact number of Dr Vishakha Shivdasani is +91 22 2216 4000.Email Address of Dr Vishakha Shivdasani
The email address of Dr Vishakha Shivdasani is .Website of Dr Vishakha Shivdasani
The Website of Dr Vishakha Shivdasani is .Contact Person of Dr Vishakha Shivdasani
The contact person of Dr Vishakha Shivdasani is Dr. Vishakha Shivdasani.Email this information
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