Dhaka Dc Office Address and Contact Number

Dhaka Dc Office Contact Phone Number is : +880-9556628, 017-13048580

and Address is 16, Johnson Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dhaka DC OffICE is a Government offICE of Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka city. A healthy number of people came here to meet or get their work done by the deputy commissioner. The DC has the following functions in the city like Land management and Land Acquisition, Magistracy, National and other Elections, Development Activities, Public Exams, treasury functions, different types of lICEnses, Law and Order situations, etc. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dhaka Dc Office is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dhaka Dc Office

The address of Dhaka Dc Office is 16, Johnson Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Contact Number of Dhaka Dc Office

The contact number of Dhaka Dc Office is +880-9556628, 017-13048580.

Email Address of Dhaka Dc Office

The email address of Dhaka Dc Office is dcdhaka@moestab.gov.bd.

Website of Dhaka Dc Office

The Website of Dhaka Dc Office is www.dcdhaka.gov.bd.

Dhaka Dc Office Source of Knowledge

Dhaka Dc Office Address Contact Number
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Ms. shumaya IslamFeb 19, 2023
I WANT TO CHANGE MY COVID-19 REGISTER CONTACT NUMBER. Where i will contact and whats the procedure?

Hopefully you will co oparete for this. Thank You and Regarts
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