David Alaba Address and Contact Number

David Alaba Contact Phone Number is : +43 34 663 07 567

and Address is Langobardenstraße 170, Vienna, Austria
David Alaba is an Austrian professional footballer who plays as a defender for La Liga club Real Madrid and captains the Austria national team. David Alaba is a popular Austrian footballer who has won many awards and is considered one of the best Austrian players of all time. Alaba won this award three years in a row based on a poll conducted by the Austrian newspaper Kronen. He impresses with his Viennese humor, his modesty, his quiet mentality. Alaba'smental strength comes from his strong faith in God. He is remembered forcelebrating the Champions League triumph over Borussia Dortmund at Wembley in ashirt with the inscription "My strength is in Jesus". He won two UEFA Champions League titles in 2013 and 2020 while playing for Bayern Munich. Alaba is a defender for Real Madrid. He has said that he is committed to returning to competitive football after rehabilitation. His return date has been pushed back to January 2025, which means he will miss the first half of the season. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of David Alaba is mentioned in below section.

Address of David Alaba

The address of David Alaba is Langobardenstraße 170, Vienna, Austria.

Contact Number of David Alaba

The contact number of David Alaba is +43 34 663 07 567.

Email Address of David Alaba

The email address of David Alaba is david.alaba@gmail.com.

Website of David Alaba

The Website of David Alaba is davidalaba.komi.io.

Contact Person of David Alaba

The contact person of David Alaba is David Alaba.

David Alaba Source of Knowledge

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