Dans Le Noir Address and Contact Number

Dans Le Noir Contact Phone Number is : +44 20 7253 1100

and Address is 30-31 Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU, United Kingdom
The Dans Le Noir is a chain of restaurants and spas in London, New York, Barcelona, St. Petersburg and Kiev. In these restaurants the guests are served in darkness this concept of serving in darkness is called blind dining or dark dining. The Dans Le Noir was first started in France in 1997 by the Paul Guinot Foundation. It was developed by the concept of dinners in the dark called in French “Le Gout du noir” which means “the taste of darkness”. In 2004 the restaurant chain was develop in Paris, France, Europe and over the World. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dans Le Noir is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dans Le Noir

The address of Dans Le Noir is 30-31 Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Dans Le Noir

The contact number of Dans Le Noir is +44 20 7253 1100.

Email Address of Dans Le Noir

The email address of Dans Le Noir is .

Website of Dans Le Noir

The Website of Dans Le Noir is london.danslenoir.com.

Dans Le Noir Address Contact Number
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