Ms. Sonya RichardsonOct 18, 2023 Totally frustrated with the photography on the show. Flow of each dance is interrupted five to seven times by shots of just the shoulders and head. I want to see the total dance, not just the off and on look at the entire bodies dancing. In addition, following each dance is a series of nine to 11 ads that flow so fast you can hardly tell where each begins or ends. I used to love Dancing With the Stars. Now it is just annoying with the constant interruptions, making it impossible to enjoy the program. Please make it possible to enjoy the flow of the dance by showing the totality of the dancers. Maybe you could also decrease the number of ads that no one watches anyway. Sincerely, Sonya Richardson .
Mr. Thomas MiltonDec 02, 2022 I have watched DWTS since its beginning and enjoy it a lot. However, I do not like the current hosts at all. I cringe every time Tyra comes on with her god-awful clothes. And, Alfonso is worse. I do not even like him on AFV. He is silly and not very knowledgeable. Neither are what I would call "professional". Please get someone else, more like Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews.
Ms. Susan MillerSep 06, 2022 Loved Dancing With the Stars and have watched it for years on ABC. Now it is going to Disney+ which I have to pay for. My cable bill is like a mortgage payment and now I have to add another fee to watch something that has been included in my cable bill for years. Why you’ve left ABC is beyond me. I will not be watching Dancing With the Stars any more and that’s a shame. I know someone who would like to see the new Pinocchio movie in the theatre, but it will only be on Disney+. Every new thing one wants to watch anymore is on a streaming channel for which there is a charge. This is ludicrous.
Ms. janel karringtenMay 22, 2022 Why on earth would you go with disney. There are a lot of people that do not have that channel. Anyway the have lost a lot of people that do not agree with them and i am surprised you do. Please re consider putting it on on ABC. Its a wonderful show and i am a senior love to see the dancing
Thank you
Janel Karringten .
Mr. Frank RicciardiMar 08, 2022 My wife and I both enjoy Dancing With the Stars and look forward to the new season. We would love to see Denny Terrio on the show. I believe abilities and personality would make him an excellent contestant. Please reach out to him and offer him the opportunity to compete.
Oh my GOD. Will you please get R. d of TyR. Banks? She thinks shes still on the R. nway tR. ing to stR. t heR. old stuff that no one wants. Why in the woR. d does she seem to think these costume changes aR. appR. pR. ate? Most of the time she looks like a fat pinata. I "LIVE". I R. coR. it so I can get past Fat Banks and not listen to heR. voice. She is R. ining this show and I guaR. ntee that if she is on the show next season, I won't watch it again until she's gone. I've been watching it foR. 29 seasons. BR. ng back Tom BeR. eR. n He was funny and such a good fit foR. this show. And stop with the paiR. ng of the female/female paR. neR. . They can not hold a candle to the male/female dancing. I could caR. less about "JoJo with a Bow Bow". She can dance with all the women she wants at home. Stop following the 'woke'.
Ms. Betsy StubbsSep 28, 2021 Tyra Banks is a female Mike Richards and has hijacked the show for her personal promotion. When Tom B came on stage on Dancing With the Stars, his wardrobe never competed with the contestants. He was a supportive voice in enabling the viewer to enjoy the guests. It appears that Tyra has guests only in order to overshadow the guests. Bad decision to lose Tom B. Get Tyra her own fashion program and set free Dancing With the Stars
Jojo works so hard on looking cute, but it is not important nor necessary to capitalize on her sexual choice just to bring more "woke" conversations. Dancing With the Stars has been on TV a long time and many of us constant viewers have never cared about sexual preferences. And, for many of us it is an unnecessary distraction, and/or turn off. So because of Tyra and Jojo this viewer is turning off Dancing With the Stars until you fix what you have allowed to happen Bye.
Ms. Susan SteeleSep 28, 2021 In my opinion, Tyra Banks is not a good fit for Dancing With the Stars. She speaks too fast, her outfits are outlandish, and she is not the class act I am accustomed to on the show. I also feel the show has lowered it's standards regarding the pool of contestants. Read between the lines. It's another example of the deterioration of our society. Very disappointing and I know others who feel the same way. Love the judging panel, but no longer a fan of the show.
My husband and I have watched Dancing With the Stars for years, but no more. Tyra Banks can’t hold a candle next to Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews. You’ve ruined the show by getting rid of them I will never watch, what used to be a favorite show, again due to the ridiculous changes you’ve made. A very bad decision.
Ms. Shirley JohnstonSep 23, 2021 Dancing With the Stars has always been a family show, but with this season allowing Gay and Lesbian dancers, I will not be watching until it returns normally. Many young and impressionable people watch your show and no matter what society says, gay and lesbian lifestyles is not the norm and mor importantly, it is against God's law. Many of my friends and family feel as I do, and will not watch until it returns to a Normal Lifesyle.
Ms. Ms. HikerSep 15, 2021 You missed the boat on why we have flipped the channel. The draw of the earlier shows was nondancers changing and learning to dance. You now have dancers on the show. Ringers. It was fun to root for people that weren't accomplished and watch them bloom. Made us all feel we, too, could bloom. The tone also changed from one you could enjoy with your kids to adult fare. It wasn't the hosts. It was those in charge that never understood the draw. Glitter from wit what a colossal mistake. Judges that turned to bullying when we teach our children this is wrong. Channel is still changed in this house. Not even going to bother to peek. Speaking of peek. Think of an entirely new show.
Mr. Thomas M LehnertSep 05, 2021 I am sorry to say I will not be watching this season of DWS. I resent what you are doing trying to condition your watchers to accept you pushing forward the gay agenda. Let me be clear. I have no problem with gay rights at all, but at the same time I do not wish to see women dancing with women or men dancing with men when it comes to dancing partners. In a mass group fine. If I wanted to see same sex dancing together I would go to a gay bar. I will resist any attempt to force me to watch the promotion of gay life period. What is done in privacy or with like thinking individuals no problem. You have had a gay man on your show already and perhaps some of the regulars are gay, but it is not you your face. The gay man you have on previously did not dance as a couple with another man, but for some reason you changed that to two women together You have ruined one of my favorite shows. Equal rights is one thing. Shoving gayness into our faces is quite different. You have made a serious error.
Mr. Richard PennyAug 30, 2021 With the addition of JoJo Siwa, dancing with a female partner, you have taken a family show and turned it into smut. I'm sure she will advance all the way to the finals because every LGBQ will put all their votes on her and Christians will not offset the vote because none will be watching ever again. You may gain a small minority of the population, but you will lose Christians. You made a very bad choice with an internet 'influencer', which is not even a star. You seem to be promoting this choice as 'cutting edge', but you have just turned the show into smut.
Hello Good afternoon! I'm Rubyn and I'm trying to break the world record; "Most promotional shirts owned by an individual". Although this question might be a little strange, I was wondering if your company does have any promotional T-shirts (T-shirts with a company logo, from a past event etc.) that are left and are available for a collector like me? Of course, I won't expect you to pay for shipping, I'll cover any cost involved with sending the promotional material. If you consider sending me something (I'll pay for shipping!), my addresses are; US 4283 Express Lane, Suite 7216-285, Sarasota, FL 34249, US EU Veilingstraat 7-8549, 7545 LZ Enschede, The Netherlands You can read more about my journey and request a shipping label on Thank you in advance and have a great evening! Regards, Rubyn Please note that your form has been filled using an automated tool. If your company does not use T-shirts, or this request could be perceived as insulting in any way, I'm so sorry! If you don't want to receive messages from me, you can opt-out using the following link
Mr. Spider HarrisonFeb 06, 2021 Movement Free Style is levitating and movement for old school and seniors. Plus radio D. J. 's.
I have been watching Dancing With the Stars for years. I enjoy it, even if I do not always agree with the judges and winners. It's a popularity show, and not for their actual dancing, as it should be
I will NOT be watching it anymore, because you're catering to colored people, with black lives matter. I'm not prejudiced. WE ALL MATTER
There have been plenty of black stars and athletes on the show, and many have won, so they can not complain about no blacks on the show. They are a disgrace, being petty and complaining that way. Also, Tyra Banks is not too bright. All she does is strut around in skin tight clothes, with everything hanging out. I guess you all like that stuff. I will continue to watch, once you get Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews back, and not before
I will also tell my friends not to watch. I guess we're not in (Nielson, etc) to count us as viewers, but we do watch. Go back to the way it was. The best part of DWTS
I'll miss you, Tom and Erin.
Ms. Sweet PeaNov 27, 2019 I've watched DWTS since it began. When I found out Sean Spicer was going to be on it this year, I almost didn't watch it - whose bright idea was it to bring politics into this show? Many of my friends who were loyal DWTS fans did not even watch it because he was on. I thought I'd give it another try after I heard that the judges were going to be able to save one of the people in the bottom two. Obviously, that was not enough because someone who can not even walk and chew gum at the same time wasn't even IN the bottom two because of politics. Watching Ally Brooke (someone whom I had never heard of before this show) consistently score perfect scores in the last few weeks and still be in the bottom two was very disheartening. And Hannah Brown - I'm not saying she couldn't dance, but Kel and Ally were FAR superior to her. Was the fact that DWTS showed the trailer for some Bachelor show, also on ABC, coincidental? I think not. This show is rigged. I'm done.
Ms. Sandra PrietoNov 27, 2019 I love watching DWTS and always will. My only gripe is that celebrities are not winning just for their dancing abilities due to their family and friends voting. Lousy dancers move on to next week while great dancers are eliminated. This is very disappointing and the reason there are fewer viewers each season. Please eliminate public voting and judge them on their dancing only.
The name of the show is Dancing with the " Stars. " Just that. Dancing with " stars". Persons who are stars. Just a "STAR. ". Is every "star" is not welcome? Not just the best dancer. Viewer likes should prevail. Len, I always thought was the best judge and i was sickened by the way he talked to Sean Spicer. Sean was human and should not have been demeaned the way he was, . Horrible words from the judges. No one deserved that humiliation Shame shame on the judges especially Len
What gentleman Sean was to take your horrible words. I stopped watching the show for many years after Derrick talked Shawn Johnson into doing a lift for her final dance and it probably cost her the win. More Shame. Now again i have no desire to watch a show with such narrow view of "every" human. As i watched Sean take the mean spirited reviews. He was head and shoulders above every judge While Sean was keeping our country safe. Which judge did the same?
Mr. Bob GordonNov 09, 2019 I believe that the fans are revolting against the Judges by keep Mr. Spicer out of the bottom two, as they did by making Bobby Bones the winner of the last show. Two of the judges Len and Bruno like to cut contestants down rather than give them constructive instruction, like not by cup of tea. How man time have these judges been booed? I spent my career in the Marine Corps and we were taught to teach those under our command how to be a productive and efficient Marine. Unless changes are made I am through watching this program. I hope that the fans continue to revolt and negate the voting of the petty Judges. I would rate the contestants with a 5.
Mr. Dave SmithNov 05, 2019 Too much politics before the start of the season. Too much against republicans. This has happened in a past season, and the rules were changed. To help prevent someone from winning. Just follow the rules, and DO NOT complain. The complaining has created a backlash. So that is what you get. Keep politics out of the show.
Mr. Richard SawyersNov 04, 2019 It is long past the time to stop having viewers casting votes for the dancers. It is now three times that call in voting has kept Sean Spicer in the mix at the obvious expense of vastly more talented dancers. Even the judges are frustrated by the inane voting that keeps coming week after week. If Sean Spicer was any kind of a man (grounded in reality) he would negate this farce and go home instead of perpetuating the unfairness that has overtaken the show. If you want to truly have fair judging, based on dancing ability and not some misplaced lunacy from goodness knows where, please change the format and stop this foolishness. Lets have a show that is realistic, not something from fantasia that says Sean Spicer has any dancing ability.
Ms. Bernice AlbernazNov 04, 2019 Sean Spicer should be eliminated, he is the worst dancer on the show --- DWS has become an extension of Sean Spicer's Politics I can not believe he is still safe He solicited votes from his Political friends and Trump Tweeted " Vote for Sean Spicer He should have been the first one to go home I am so disappointed in DWS --- I may eliminate it from my weekly program schedule Just not fair to all the great dancers who deserve to still be on the show Sorry --- we have enough of Politics and now DWS is another Political show
Ms. Sharon WilliamsonNov 04, 2019 I have loved and been a faithful viewer since the first show, but I am really distressed at voting. Seems to be personality contest - not dance contest. Never more suspicious than with the continued presence of Sean Spicer who is not getting progressively better. Even the judges have nothing good to say about him. If this is going to be the way judging goes, I may not continue to watch in future seasons. There should be some improvement shown to keep a "star".
Ms. Eleanor LorenzenOct 29, 2019 I enjoy the show, but the public should not have a vote for the dancers. It turns out to be a popularity vote and not judged on the dancing. Sean Spicer has ended up in the bottom for weeks now and he is still safe and other good dancers are going home. He needs to go and the judges agree. They even told him he was no dancer and no good. I think you need to change the vote the next time so that he goes home even if his supporters think he should stay. I am tired of dancers who get good scores from the judges, who know what they are judging, and then sent home. Another week and I will not watch anymore.
Ms. Ann replied to Ms. Eleanor Lorenzen
This show started out for us, the viewers, to vote for our favorite stars. It is not the judges show. Yes, they judge on dancing merits, but it’s not. Or should not. Be their decision. It’s our choice. Obviously, sean has a very large group of fans, and thus he’s still on the show. I agree, he’s not a good dancer, but i too am a fan of his, only because he’s a great person with a wonderful personality. I hope a better dancer wins, but he’s got my fan vote.
ReplyMs. Gloria RobertsonOct 22, 2019 I have been watching Dancing With the Stars since it first appeared with Alec and his wife, Edyta. I used to watch Ballroom Dancing on PBS which I really enjoyed. Here is a suggestion on the voting - JUST HAVE THE JUDGES VOTE UNTIL THE FINAL THREE. The Judges give each couple a score and, at the end, eliminate the lowest couple. If there is a tie, they eliminate who they consider the least accomplished - this is how it is done in professional ballroom dancing. And, in this way, a fan base does not get involved. When it gets down to the final three, which should be the cream of the crop, so to speak, then invite the viewing audience to vote for first, second and third place. This is the only way to be fair. Currently, the way the voting is set up, the viewing public votes for their favorite regardless of his or her dancing. NOT FAIR Also, it would create a lot of interest if each season ONE Dancing With the Stars FAN was somehow chosen to dance with a professional dancer.
Ms. gail wolfeOct 14, 2019 Why do we have to see boobs hanging out on a family show. ? Please cover them up.
Ms. Nadine RonsonSep 23, 2019 The so called accident with christy Brinkley looked really phoney. That was a little fall that would not result in a broken arm in two places Most contestants would have worked anyway. It was clearly a way to get sailor on the show who nobody knows. Well at least until now. Convenient to have a rich mother Poor Val. He has to go along with this s***.