Cork Revenue Office Address and Contact Number
Cork Revenue Office Contact Phone Number is : 021 602 7058
and Address is Revenue House, Assumption Road, Blackpool, Cork, IrelandCork Revenue OffICE is the tax and revenue department of the city. It is one of the hundred revenue offICEs of Ireland which holds the staff of 6000 approximately. Its function is to assessment and collection of taxes and duties. The Cork revenue offICE comes under The OffICE of the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland which was founded in 1923. The motive of the revenue board is to serve the people by the fair and efficient collection of the taxes and duties. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Cork Revenue Office is mentioned in below section.
Address of Cork Revenue Office
The address of Cork Revenue Office is Revenue House, Assumption Road, Blackpool, Cork, Ireland.Contact Number of Cork Revenue Office
The contact number of Cork Revenue Office is 021 602 7058.Email Address of Cork Revenue Office
The email address of Cork Revenue Office is of Cork Revenue Office
The Website of Cork Revenue Office is this information
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