Clive Booth Hall Address and Contact Number

Clive Booth Hall Contact Phone Number is : 01865 485022

and Address is John Garne Way, Marston, Oxford, England
Clive booth hall is an accommodation facility of Oxford Brookes University. Clive booth hall is situated near to Headington Campus of University. It is located near City Center and at the distance of 500 yards from the Headington Campus. It features the flats organized in 5/6 en suite bedrooms with kitchen and dining rooms. It provides the self catered type of accommodation. The hall houses 792 single Study bedrooms and all the rooms are in the dimensions of 2.70m x 4.50m. Clive booth hall has the amenity of computer room, laundry etc. The address and contact number of Clive Booth Hall is also used for Oxford brookes Clive Booth Hall postcode, Clive Booth Hall laundry and Clive Booth Hall offICE. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Clive Booth Hall is mentioned in below section.

Address of Clive Booth Hall

The address of Clive Booth Hall is John Garne Way, Marston, Oxford, England.

Contact Number of Clive Booth Hall

The contact number of Clive Booth Hall is 01865 485022.

Email Address of Clive Booth Hall

The email address of Clive Booth Hall is

Website of Clive Booth Hall

The Website of Clive Booth Hall is

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Clive Booth Hall Address Contact Number
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