Chedoke Hospital Address and Contact Number

Chedoke Hospital Contact Phone Number is : +1-905-521-2100

and Address is Sanatorium Road, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L9C 1C4
The Chedoke Hospital is the public Medicare Hospital situated in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The Hospital was founded in the year 1906, and it is operated by Hamilton health Sciences, who is also known as the operator of a medical group of six Hospitals. Besides this, a cancer center is also operated by Hamilton health Sciences. The Hospital is specializes in several Services such as autism, prosthetics & orthotics, child and youth mental health Services, autism spectrum disorders Services, chronic pain, developmental pediatrics and rehabilitation Services, the Ontario Breast screening Program and such other Services. The Hospital also provides some other facilities such as Oasis Coffee Shop, Evel Coffee Shop, Wilcox Coffee Shop and Preferred Catering for visitors and staffs. The address and contact number of Chedoke Hospital is also used for Chedoke Hospital Holbrook Building, Chedoke Hospital Prosthetics Orthotics, Chedoke Hospital Audiology and Chedoke Hospital Evel Building. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Chedoke Hospital is mentioned in below section.

Address of Chedoke Hospital

The address of Chedoke Hospital is Sanatorium Road, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L9C 1C4.

Contact Number of Chedoke Hospital

The contact number of Chedoke Hospital is +1-905-521-2100.

Email Address of Chedoke Hospital

The email address of Chedoke Hospital is .

Website of Chedoke Hospital

The Website of Chedoke Hospital is

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Chedoke Hospital Address Contact Number
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