Chatuchak Market Address and Contact Number

Chatuchak Market Contact Phone Number is : 022724440

and Address is Kamphaeng Phet 2 Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
The Chatuchak Market is the Famous weekend market situated in Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand. The Chatuchak Market is the largest shopping centre offers a wide range of products including home goods, clothing, Thai handicraft products, religious artifacts and food items. The Chatuchak Market has 15,000 stores. The address and contact number of Chatuchak Market is also used for Chatuchak Market Bangkok opening hours, Chatuchak Market Bangkok map, Chatuchak Market Bangkok open on Friday, Chatuchak Market Bangkok blog, Chatuchak Market Bangkok hours and Chatuchak Market Bangkok bts . The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Chatuchak Market is mentioned in below section.

Address of Chatuchak Market

The address of Chatuchak Market is Kamphaeng Phet 2 Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.

Contact Number of Chatuchak Market

The contact number of Chatuchak Market is 022724440.

Email Address of Chatuchak Market

The email address of Chatuchak Market is .

Website of Chatuchak Market

The Website of Chatuchak Market is .

Chatuchak Market Address Contact Number
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