Chan Ho Park Address and Contact Number

Chan Ho Park Contact Phone Number is : +82 70 7117 1116

and Address is 19F Jeongdong Building, 21-15 Jeongdong-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, 04518, South Korea
Chan Ho Park is a South Korean former professional baseball pitcher. Park was the first South Korea-born player in MLB history, and the first South Korean player to be named an MLB All-Star. Chan Ho Park is a South Korean professional baseball pitcher who holds the world record for the most MLB wins by an Asian born pitcher, with 124. Park played for the LA Dodgers, Texas Rangers, San Diego Padres, New York Mets, Philadelphia Phillies, New York Yankees and Pittsburgh Pirates. In the 1996-97 season, when his fastball speed and pitch were more dominant than before and after the 1998 season, when he was at his peak, Park Chan-ho threw fastballs at an average speed of over 95 mph throughout the game, and often showed fastballs at 97-98 mph even in the second half of the game. Park was the first South Korean player to be named an MLB All-Star in 2000. After retiring from baseball in 2012, Park became a sports commentator for Korea's JTBC. Park also played for the Orix Buffaloes in Japan and the Hanwha Eagles in South Korea. Park pledged almost $6 million of his potential earnings to charity when he signed with the Hanwha Eagles in 2011. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Chan Ho Park is mentioned in below section.

Address of Chan Ho Park

The address of Chan Ho Park is 19F Jeongdong Building, 21-15 Jeongdong-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, 04518, South Korea.

Contact Number of Chan Ho Park

The contact number of Chan Ho Park is +82 70 7117 1116.

Email Address of Chan Ho Park

The email address of Chan Ho Park is

Website of Chan Ho Park

The Website of Chan Ho Park is

Contact Person of Chan Ho Park

The contact person of Chan Ho Park is Chan Ho Park.

Chan Ho Park Source of Knowledge
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