Chad Le Clos Address and Contact Number

Chad Le Clos Contact Phone Number is : +27 76 159 3819

and Address is 5 Iona Street, Avondstil, Cape Town, South Africa
Chad Guy Bertrand le Clos, OIS is a South African competitive swimmer who is an Olympic, World and Commonwealth Games champion. He is the African record, Commonwealth record, and South African record holder in the short course and long course 200-metre butterfly and the short course 100-metre butterfly. Chad le Clos is a South African swimmer who has become a household name and is considered one of South Africa's greatest athletes. Le Clos is tied for the most decorated athlete in Commonwealth Games history, with seven gold medals, four silver medals, and seven bronze medals. Le Clos has won seven World Championships medals, including four gold medals. He on five medals at the 2010 Youth Olympic Games. Le Clos was previously a world record holder in the short course 100-meter butterfly and 200-meter butterfly. Le Clos started swimming at a young age and joined South Africa's senior national team at age 14. He competed in the 2024 Paris Olympics, where he was the third oldest male swimmer. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Chad Le Clos is mentioned in below section.

Address of Chad Le Clos

The address of Chad Le Clos is 5 Iona Street, Avondstil, Cape Town, South Africa.

Contact Number of Chad Le Clos

The contact number of Chad Le Clos is +27 76 159 3819.

Email Address of Chad Le Clos

The email address of Chad Le Clos is

Website of Chad Le Clos

The Website of Chad Le Clos is

Contact Person of Chad Le Clos

The contact person of Chad Le Clos is Chad le Clos.

Chad Le Clos Source of Knowledge
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