Cch Address and Contact Number
Cch Contact Phone Number is : +91-11-28525582, 28520607
and Address is No 61/65, Institutional Area, Near D Block, Janak Puri, New Delhi, IndiaCCH originally Central Council for Homoeopathy is a statutory body that gives affiliations and approve all homoeopathy degrees offered by any University or medical institution in the field of homoeopathy. It was established in the year 1973 through the Central Council of Homoeopathy Act 1973, (Act 59). A. The Council comes under the Ministry of health and Family Welfare, Department of Indian Systems of Medicine & Homoeopathy of the Government of India. The Council's responsibility is to check the Educational methods and standard of Education provided at a particular Institute and gives it affiliation by seeing all that. The address and contact number of Cch is also used for Central Council of Homoeopathy registration, Cch act , Central Council of Indian Medicine and Central Council for Research in homoeopathy. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Cch is mentioned in below section.
Address of Cch
The address of Cch is No 61/65, Institutional Area, Near D Block, Janak Puri, New Delhi, India.Contact Number of Cch
The contact number of Cch is +91-11-28525582, 28520607.Email Address of Cch
The email address of Cch is of Cch
The Website of Cch is this information
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