Caserma Ederle Address and Contact Number

Caserma Ederle Contact Phone Number is : +39 (0)444-71-8034

and Address is Vicenza, Italy
Caserma Ederle is an united States based army post which is located in VICEnza, Italy. It is the head offICE of the Southern European Task Force. Caserma Ederle is named after Major Carlo Ederle who is an Italian hero of World War I. The VICEnza Military Community is composed of Soldiers, close relatives, civilians and retirees with some Airmen and Sailors are also positioned there. Major General Patrick J Donahue II is the commandor of the Caserma Ederle. The address and contact number of Caserma Ederle is also used for Caserma Ederle Phone Book, Caserma Ederle Movie Theater Schedule, Caserma Ederle Inn, Caserma Ederle Map, Caserma Ederle Housing and Caserma Ederle gym. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Caserma Ederle is mentioned in below section.

Address of Caserma Ederle

The address of Caserma Ederle is Vicenza, Italy.

Contact Number of Caserma Ederle

The contact number of Caserma Ederle is +39 (0)444-71-8034.

Email Address of Caserma Ederle

The email address of Caserma Ederle is .

Website of Caserma Ederle

The Website of Caserma Ederle is .

Caserma Ederle Address Contact Number
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