Carmen Sarahi Address and Contact Number

Carmen Sarahi Contact Phone Number is : +52 402 568 7986

and Address is Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Carmen Sarahi Garcia Saenz is a mexican singer and actress. Sarahí has recorded voices for movies and cartoons. Sarahi's success in the mainstream pop music market may be credited to her talent for writing engrossing, relatable music. The most well-known work - in animated films Disney, where she voiced Elsa in Frozen and Frozen II. ed films Disney, where she voiced Elsa in Frozen and Frozen II. She performed the Latin American Spanish version of the song "Let It Go" (Libre soy) from the movie Frozen and of the song "Into the Unknown" (Mucho más allá) from the movie Frozen II. On February 9, 2020, Carmen Sarahí was called to join Idina Menzel, Aurora and eight more of Elsa's international dubbers to perform the song "Into the Unknown" during the 92nd Academy Awards. Every international performer sang one line of the song in a different languages The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Carmen Sarahi is mentioned in below section.

Address of Carmen Sarahi

The address of Carmen Sarahi is Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

Contact Number of Carmen Sarahi

The contact number of Carmen Sarahi is +52 402 568 7986.

Email Address of Carmen Sarahi

The email address of Carmen Sarahi is

Website of Carmen Sarahi

The Website of Carmen Sarahi is Not known.

Contact Person of Carmen Sarahi

The contact person of Carmen Sarahi is Carmen Sarahi.

Carmen Sarahi Source of Knowledge

Not known
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