Capital One Bowl Address and Contact Number
Capital One Bowl Contact Phone Number is : (407)4253446
and Address is Citrus Bowl stadium, Orlando, Florida, USAThe Capital One Bowl is the College Football bowl game organizes every year at the Citrus Bowl. It is sponsored by Capital One and organized by Florida Citrus Sports. The bowl was started in 1947 as the Tangerine Bowl and later on renamed as Florida Citrus Bowl in 1983. The Capital One Bowl takes place on January 1 at 1 p.m. The organizers also allow fan to vote for their favorite College mascot for the Bowl. It is processed through a contest known as "Capital One Mascot Challenge". The address and contact number of Capital One Bowl is also used for Capital One Bowl tickets, Capital One Bowl Stadium and Capital One Bowl mascots. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Capital One Bowl is mentioned in below section.
Address of Capital One Bowl
The address of Capital One Bowl is Citrus Bowl stadium, Orlando, Florida, USA.Contact Number of Capital One Bowl
The contact number of Capital One Bowl is (407)4253446.Email Address of Capital One Bowl
The email address of Capital One Bowl is of Capital One Bowl
The Website of Capital One Bowl is this information
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