Campbellsville University Address and Contact Number

Campbellsville University Contact Phone Number is : +1 270-789-5000

and Address is 1 University Drive, Campbellsville, KY 42718, United States
Campbellsville University is a public University in in the region of Campbellsville, United States. The College was setup 1906 comes under the affiliation Mid-South conference. Many academic Programs have been been run in the University such as Bachelor's Programs, Graduate Programs, Pre Professional Programs, Associate Programs etc. Many Schools have set up inside the University that provides degree Programs in their respective fields. These School includes School of Music, School of Art, School of Nursing etc. The address and contact number of Campbellsville University is also used for Campbellsville University ranking, Campbellsville University Athletics, Campbellsville University baseball, Campbellsville University jobs and Campbellsville University bookstore. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Campbellsville University is mentioned in below section.

Address of Campbellsville University

The address of Campbellsville University is 1 University Drive, Campbellsville, KY 42718, United States.

Contact Number of Campbellsville University

The contact number of Campbellsville University is +1 270-789-5000.

Email Address of Campbellsville University

The email address of Campbellsville University is .

Website of Campbellsville University

The Website of Campbellsville University is

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Campbellsville University Address Contact Number
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