Boston College Law School Address and Contact Number
Boston College Law School Contact Phone Number is : (617) 552-4243, (617) 552-4351, (617) 552-4350
and Address is 885 Centre Street, Boston College, Newton Campus, Chestnut Hill, Boston, MA 02459, USBoston College Law School is one of the six academic divisions of Boston College that was founded in 1926. It is few miles away from the main Campus of the Boston College. The Law College is spread in an area of 40 acre. The College grants joint degree with other Colleges of the Boston College such as Carroll School of Management (J.D./M.B.A.), Graduate School of Social Work (J.D./M.S.W.) and Lynch School of Education (J.D./M.Ed.). While the degrees related to arts, social sciences and Natural sciences are being offered with Graduate School of arts and Sciences. It has collaboration with many Law Schools across the world. The address and contact number of Boston College Law School is also used for Boston College Law School ranking, Boston College Law School llm, Boston College Law School tuition, Boston College Law School library, Boston College Law School class profile and Boston College Law School bookstore. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Boston College Law School is mentioned in below section.
Address of Boston College Law School
The address of Boston College Law School is 885 Centre Street, Boston College, Newton Campus, Chestnut Hill, Boston, MA 02459, US.Contact Number of Boston College Law School
The contact number of Boston College Law School is (617) 552-4243, (617) 552-4351, (617) 552-4350.Email Address of Boston College Law School
The email address of Boston College Law School is of Boston College Law School
The Website of Boston College Law School is this information
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