Bloody Marys Bora Bora Address and Contact Number

Bloody Marys Bora Bora Contact Phone Number is : 689677286

and Address is Povai Bay, Nunue Bora Bora, French Polynesia 98741
Bloody Mary’s is a world Famous Restaurant and Bar located on Povai Bay, Bora Bora, French Polynesia. It was established in the year 1979. The restaurant is owned by the Dexter Hewitt and the servICE of the restaurant is one of the best in French Polynesia. The main cuisine served at the restaurant is Seafood and Steaks with amazing dining experience. The menu offers wide range of dishes from tempting sElection of fish burgers, fish and appetizers. The restaurant is an American-style barbecued fish and steak joint. The Bloody Mary’s has coconut stools, thatched roof surrounded by exotic plants and stalks of dried bamboo. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Bloody Marys Bora Bora is mentioned in below section.

Address of Bloody Marys Bora Bora

The address of Bloody Marys Bora Bora is Povai Bay, Nunue Bora Bora, French Polynesia 98741.

Contact Number of Bloody Marys Bora Bora

The contact number of Bloody Marys Bora Bora is 689677286.

Email Address of Bloody Marys Bora Bora

The email address of Bloody Marys Bora Bora is .

Website of Bloody Marys Bora Bora

The Website of Bloody Marys Bora Bora is .

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