Block Panchayats Kerela Address and Contact Number
Block Panchayats Kerela Contact Phone Number is : 0471-2327796, 2327895 ,PABX 251-8333
and Address is 5th Floor, Secretariat Annexe, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerela, IndiaBlock Panchayats Kerela are the form of local self Government in Kerela. It functions under the Panchayati Raj. Kerela has 152 block panchayats. Panchayati Raj is the oldest local Government System in many of India States. Its main motive set up was to solve local disputes of individuals and villages in the region. at village level respectable five elders are chosen for this Systems who are responsible for any of ilLegal matters in the villages. The address and contact number of Block Panchayats Kerela is also used for Block Panchayats in Kerala, Block Panchayats in Kasaragod district, Block Panchayats in Malappuram district and Block Panchayats in Pathanamthitta district. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Block Panchayats Kerela is mentioned in below section.
Address of Block Panchayats Kerela
The address of Block Panchayats Kerela is 5th Floor, Secretariat Annexe, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerela, India.Contact Number of Block Panchayats Kerela
The contact number of Block Panchayats Kerela is 0471-2327796, 2327895 ,PABX 251-8333.Email Address of Block Panchayats Kerela
The email address of Block Panchayats Kerela is of Block Panchayats Kerela
The Website of Block Panchayats Kerela is
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