Bhojohori Manna Address and Contact Number

Bhojohori Manna Contact Phone Number is : +91-33-2440 1933, +91-98303 04332

and Address is 9/18, Ekdalia Road, Kolkata 700019 West Bengal, India
Bhojohori Manna is a budget Hotel that offers wide range of Bengali cuisine to the guests. It is named after a 70's song 'ami sri sri bhojohri manna'. The Hotel is dedicated to serve fresh food to the guests. Bhojohori Manna is customer centric Hotel chain that offers healthy food. Some of its products are available at retail stores. Bhojohori Manna has team of dedicated professionals that cater the nutrition needs of everybody regardless of their ages. The address and contact number of Bhojohori Manna is also used for Bhojohori Manna Hatibagan, Bhojohori Manna Menu Card, Bhojohori Manna Gariahat, Bhojohori Manna Franchise and Bhojohori Manna Reviews. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Bhojohori Manna is mentioned in below section.

Address of Bhojohori Manna

The address of Bhojohori Manna is 9/18, Ekdalia Road, Kolkata 700019 West Bengal, India.

Contact Number of Bhojohori Manna

The contact number of Bhojohori Manna is +91-33-2440 1933, +91-98303 04332.

Email Address of Bhojohori Manna

The email address of Bhojohori Manna is .

Website of Bhojohori Manna

The Website of Bhojohori Manna is

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Bhojohori Manna Address Contact Number
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