Bayan Yessentayeva Address and Contact Number

Bayan Yessentayeva Contact Phone Number is : +7 (7172) 74 02 21 7

and Address is 8 Mangilik Yel avenue. stana 010000. Republic of Kazakhstan.
Bayan Maksatkyzy Yessentayeva is a Kazakhstani producer, television presenter, actress, and singer. She first rose to fame in 1993 with her leading role in the melodrama "Station of Love", after which she worked for a long time as a journalist and presenter on television. Bayan Yessentayeva was consistently among the top five stars in show business and sports in Kazakhstan from 2013–2015, according to Forbes Kazakhstan. In 2013, she earned $480,000, $850,000 in 2014, and $1 million in 2015. Pop music producer and actress Bayan Yessentayeva may not be the most beloved celebrity in Kazakhstan, but even detractors admire her passion and talent. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Bayan Yessentayeva is mentioned in below section.

Address of Bayan Yessentayeva

The address of Bayan Yessentayeva is 8 Mangilik Yel avenue. stana 010000. Republic of Kazakhstan..

Contact Number of Bayan Yessentayeva

The contact number of Bayan Yessentayeva is +7 (7172) 74 02 21 7.

Email Address of Bayan Yessentayeva

The email address of Bayan Yessentayeva is

Website of Bayan Yessentayeva

The Website of Bayan Yessentayeva is

Contact Person of Bayan Yessentayeva

The contact person of Bayan Yessentayeva is Bayan Yessentayeva.

Bayan Yessentayeva Source of Knowledge
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