Barclays Bank Uxbridge Address and Contact Number

Barclays Bank Uxbridge Contact Phone Number is : 08457 555 555

and Address is 142 High Street, Uxbridge, Middx, UB8 1JX, United Kingdom
Barclays is an interNational Financial firm, founded in the year 1690 in United Kingdom. Barclays was first bank in the world to introduced mobile phone payment servICE and ATM (Automated Teller Machine) servICE. In 1999, the bank launched online banking servICE to facilitate users for online access of their accounts. The bank's name Barclays was adapted in the year 1736. The address and contact number of Barclays Bank Uxbridge is also used for Barclays Uxbridge phone number, Barclays Bank Uxbridge opening times, Barclays Bank Uxbridge high street and Banks Uxbridge road. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Barclays Bank Uxbridge is mentioned in below section.

Address of Barclays Bank Uxbridge

The address of Barclays Bank Uxbridge is 142 High Street, Uxbridge, Middx, UB8 1JX, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Barclays Bank Uxbridge

The contact number of Barclays Bank Uxbridge is 08457 555 555.

Email Address of Barclays Bank Uxbridge

The email address of Barclays Bank Uxbridge is .

Website of Barclays Bank Uxbridge

The Website of Barclays Bank Uxbridge is

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Barclays Bank Uxbridge Address Contact Number
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