Archana Kochhar Address and Contact Number

Archana Kochhar Contact Phone Number is : 022 - 26177117

and Address is 20, Swastik Plaza, V.M. Road Juhu, Mumbai -400049
Archana Kochhar is an Indian Fashion designer. She belongs from Mumbai and is an MBA. In starting Archana Kochhar designs the cloth for her relatives as a hobby. Her creativity and aesthetics made her as one of the reputed Fashion designers in India. She draws her inspiration from nature and the luxurious lifestyle of dynasties from India, Rome etc. She owns three boutiques in Mumbai where she offers her range to Fashion conscious. Leading ladies of Bollywood such as Katrina Kaif, Dia Mirza, Amrita Rao, Mahima Chaudhary has walked for her on ramp. The address and contact number of Archana Kochhar is also used for Archana Kochhar wiki, Archana Kochhar Facebook, Archana Kochhar official Website, Archana Kochhar profile, Bridal wear Archana Kochhar, Archana Kochhar sarees online and Archana Kochhar contact details. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Archana Kochhar is mentioned in below section.

Address of Archana Kochhar

The address of Archana Kochhar is 20, Swastik Plaza, V.M. Road Juhu, Mumbai -400049.

Contact Number of Archana Kochhar

The contact number of Archana Kochhar is 022 - 26177117.

Email Address of Archana Kochhar

The email address of Archana Kochhar is .

Website of Archana Kochhar

The Website of Archana Kochhar is

Contact Person of Archana Kochhar

The contact person of Archana Kochhar is Archana Kochhar.

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Archana Kochhar Address Contact Number
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