Apsche Address and Contact Number
Apsche Contact Phone Number is : 040-23311594, 23311877
and Address is 1st Floor, JNTU Masab Tank Campus, Mahaveer Marg, Opposite Mahaveer Hospital Hyderabad – 500 028, IndiaThe Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education(APSCHE) is a public autonomous Law institution located in Hyderabad, India. APSCHE was founded on 20th May, 1988 with aim to promote innovations in Courses and updating of syllables in the University and the Colleges; facilitate training of teachers in Colleges and Universities; encourage Sports, games, physical Education and cultural activities; to make plan for higher Education in the State and such other functions related to higher Education. The address and contact number of Apsche is also used for Apsche eamcet seat allotment, Apsche pgecet counselling dates, Apsche Website, Apsche pgecet and Task force Apsche. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Apsche is mentioned in below section.
Address of Apsche
The address of Apsche is 1st Floor, JNTU Masab Tank Campus, Mahaveer Marg, Opposite Mahaveer Hospital Hyderabad – 500 028, India.Contact Number of Apsche
The contact number of Apsche is 040-23311594, 23311877.Email Address of Apsche
The email address of Apsche is apsche2003@yahoo.co.in , apsche@ap.nic..Website of Apsche
The Website of Apsche is www.apsche.org.Contact Person of Apsche
The contact person of Apsche is P Jaya Prakash Rao.Email this information
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