Amal Murkus Address and Contact Number

Amal Murkus Contact Phone Number is : +1 (212) 777-1157

and Address is 85 Avenue A New York, NY 10009, USA.
Amal Murkus is a well-known Israeli-Palestinian singer and actress who is considered one of the top female singers in Israel. Murkus has been called "one of the most beautiful voices of the 20th century" and "Fayrouz of Palestine". She has won several acting awards, including Best Actress at the Haifa International Film Festival in 2003.
Murkus has released five albums, including Baghanni in 2011, which some say was one of the most beautiful albums released in Israel in recent years. Murkus has been performing since she was five years old. In 1979, she won first prize in the Arab children's song festival. She graduated from the Institute for Stage Art "Beit Tsvi" in 1990. Her extensive vocal range and versatile musical abilities enable her to sing in a wide variety of genres, ranging from traditional Arab roots to modern popular Western styles. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Amal Murkus is mentioned in below section.

Address of Amal Murkus

The address of Amal Murkus is 85 Avenue A New York, NY 10009, USA..

Contact Number of Amal Murkus

The contact number of Amal Murkus is +1 (212) 777-1157.

Email Address of Amal Murkus

The email address of Amal Murkus is

Website of Amal Murkus

The Website of Amal Murkus is

Contact Person of Amal Murkus

The contact person of Amal Murkus is Nizar Zreik.

Amal Murkus Source of Knowledge
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