Aiemd Address and Contact Number

Aiemd Contact Phone Number is : 0343 2526415

and Address is Panagarh Gram, Panagarh Bazaar, Burdwan, West Bengal, India
Aryabhatta Institute of Engineering and Management located in West Bengal and approved by AICTE of India. The Institute was established in the year 2003. This Institute is affiliated from West Bengal University of Technology. The Campus is spread in 26 acres of land and has all the possible facility required for the better development of the Students. The Institute offers different courses in Engineering, management and Hospitality. The College organized many technological festivals in the past years. The address and contact number of Aiemd is also used for Aiemd Result, Aiemd photos, Aiemd forum, Aiemd Panagarh and Aiemd logo. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Aiemd is mentioned in below section.

Address of Aiemd

The address of Aiemd is Panagarh Gram, Panagarh Bazaar, Burdwan, West Bengal, India.

Contact Number of Aiemd

The contact number of Aiemd is 0343 2526415.

Email Address of Aiemd

The email address of Aiemd is

Website of Aiemd

The Website of Aiemd is

Aiemd Source of Knowledge
Aiemd Address Contact Number
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