Agatha Sangma Address and Contact Number

Agatha Sangma Contact Phone Number is : 01123386595,01123383614,01123386899,01123010123,01123013651

and Address is Walbakgri, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya
Agatha Sangma is a Member of Parliament of India (MP). Agatha K Sangma was born on 24 July 1980. A Lawyer by profession she completed her post graduation degree from Nottingham University. She is the member of Nationalist Congress Party and in 2009 she became the youngest minister of the Indian State. She also hold the offICE of Rural development for some time she is also an Environmentalist. Her whole Family is linked up with the politics, her father who was the former speaker of the Lok Sabha and brother who is the leader of the party in Meghalaya State assembly. The address and contact number of Agatha Sangma is also used for Soradini K Sangma, Agatha Sangma biodata, Agatha Sangma profile, Agatha Sangma Education, Agatha Sangma born, Agatha Sangma husband, Agatha Sangma Facebook and Agatha Sangma Marriage. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Agatha Sangma is mentioned in below section.

Address of Agatha Sangma

The address of Agatha Sangma is Walbakgri, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya.

Contact Number of Agatha Sangma

The contact number of Agatha Sangma is 01123386595,01123383614,01123386899,01123010123,01123013651.

Email Address of Agatha Sangma

The email address of Agatha Sangma is .

Website of Agatha Sangma

The Website of Agatha Sangma is .

Agatha Sangma Address Contact Number
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