Acra Address and Contact Number

Acra Contact Phone Number is : +65 6248 6028, Fax No : +65 6225 1676

and Address is 10 Anson Road #05-01/15 International Plaza Singapore 079903
ACRA stands for Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, Singapore. It statutory board comes under the proprietary Rights of the Ministry of Finance of the Singapore. The board is responsible for developing Business entities and the public accountancy profession. It was composed on April 1, 2004, currently being run under the observation of Kenneth Yap as he is the chairman of the body. The address and contact number of Acra is also used for Acra offICE, Acra Business registration, Acra change of Business address, Acra email address, Acra address change, Acra change of Company address and Acra Business profile. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Acra is mentioned in below section.

Address of Acra

The address of Acra is 10 Anson Road #05-01/15 International Plaza Singapore 079903.

Contact Number of Acra

The contact number of Acra is +65 6248 6028, Fax No : +65 6225 1676.

Email Address of Acra

The email address of Acra is .

Website of Acra

The Website of Acra is

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Acra Address Contact Number
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