Aaidu Address and Contact Number
Aaidu Contact Phone Number is : 0532-2684281
and Address is Allahabad Agricultural Institute Deemed University, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India-211007Allahabad Agricultural Institute Deemed University is an agriculture University based in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. Various Bachelors and Masters courses in agriculture is offered by this University. This University is funded by Indian Government. This University follows the Co Educational System. The address and contact number of Aaidu is also used for Aaidu distance learning, Aaidu admit card, Aaidu admissions, Aaidu MBA Result, Aaidu MBA, Aaidu placement, M tech Aaidu and logo Aaidu. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Aaidu is mentioned in below section.
Address of Aaidu
The address of Aaidu is Allahabad Agricultural Institute Deemed University, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India-211007.Contact Number of Aaidu
The contact number of Aaidu is 0532-2684281.Email Address of Aaidu
The email address of Aaidu is registrar@aaidu.org.Website of Aaidu
The Website of Aaidu is www.aaidu.org.Email this information
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