Aadhar Address and Contact Number

Aadhar Contact Phone Number is : +91-80-22340104, Fax: 080-22340310, Toll Free: 1800-300-1947

and Address is UIDAI Regional Office, Khanija Bhavan, No. 49, 3rd Floor, South Wing Race Course Road, Bangalore - 01, Karnataka, India
Unique identification project (Aadhar) is an Indian people identification project initiated by Government of India. This project is working under the Planning Commission of Indian Government. Main motive of this project is to assign a unique identification number to every Indian. The address and contact number of Aadhar is also used for Aadhar card, Aadhar address proof, Aadhar address change form, Aadhar address change status, Aadhar address proof for passport, Aadhar address change, Aadhar address change process and uid Aadhar. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Aadhar is mentioned in below section.

Address of Aadhar

The address of Aadhar is UIDAI Regional Office, Khanija Bhavan, No. 49, 3rd Floor, South Wing Race Course Road, Bangalore - 01, Karnataka, India.

Contact Number of Aadhar

The contact number of Aadhar is +91-80-22340104, Fax: 080-22340310, Toll Free: 1800-300-1947.

Email Address of Aadhar

The email address of Aadhar is .

Website of Aadhar

The Website of Aadhar is www.uidai.gov.in.

Aadhar Source of Knowledge

Aadhar Address Contact Number
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Mr. Bhuvan kumarOct 29, 2013
Dear sir/Madam
This is Bhuvan Kumar from Bangalore, i have not yet received my aadhar card but I am able to generate the photo copy. My Enrolment number is 1096/01264/00773 date 04/10/2011, 15:05:13.
Can you please help me in getting it.
With regards,
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